Published Scientific Books: He has numerous published works in Egyptian and Arab publishing houses.
Published Scientific Research: He has conducted many scientific studies, articles, and working papers in his field of specialization, published in specialized scientific journals at both the local and regional levels.
Teaching Courses and Training Programs: He has taught all the courses in the Department of Curriculum both inside and outside the college. He has also attended numerous diverse training courses in the fields of external reviews and digital professional development at both the local and regional levels.
Membership in Scientific Associations and Peer Reviewer: He is a member of several scientific associations and serves as a reviewer, including: the Egyptian Society for Scientific Education, the Egyptian Association for Curriculum and Teaching Methods in Cairo, a reviewer for the Journal of the Faculty of Education - Cairo University - Al-Azhar University, a reviewer for the Educational Journal - Faculty of Education - Sohag University, and a reviewer for the Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Educational and Psychological Sciences - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Courses and Programs: He has offered many professional development training courses and programs for teachers both inside and outside the Al-Azhar institution. He has also participated in many events and volunteer activities.
Research Activity: He has participated in supervising and discussing numerous Master's and Ph.D. theses both inside and outside the college.
Cultural Awareness Activity: He has written many articles published on the portal of the "Youm7" newspaper, covering a wide range of topics in various fields. He has also written some diverse articles for the "Al-Masaa" newspaper, both digital and print, as well as for the "Al-Gomhuria" newspaper.