Dr. Yusr kazem
Researcher of Medical Nutrition

Graduated and got her M.B.B.Ch., from the Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University December 1985.

2-Worked as a resident at the Department of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Ain Shams University from 6-6-1987 till 2-5-1990

3-Masters of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. (Gastrointestinal and nutritional manifestations in AIDS)Tropical Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, ( Excellent) November 1989.

4-A visiting scholar to Duke University, North Carolina USA, 15-10 -1993 till15-10-1995

5- Ph.D. in Environmental Medicine, Medical Science Department, Institute of Environmental Studies and Research, Ain Shams University. Thesis (Reflection of nutritional status and the environment of Bilharzial patients on the effectiveness of treatment). June 1997.

6-Professor of medical nutrition since 2011. Has 36 international publications 26 of which are SCOPUS. With 59 citations and h-index =5, in the field of medical and public nutrition and obesity with a special interest in nutrition and the brain ( mood, sleep, cognitive function ). Participated in the training held by the nutrition department in the topics of nutrition and cognitive functions, geriatric nutrition, nutrition, and disease prevention Attended and participated as a speaker in many medical, gastrointestinal, and nutrition conferences.