Medical ethics Course
كورس أخلاق المهن الطبية
Medical ethics is a set of principles and rules that govern the behavior of doctors and health workers. These principles are based on fundamental human values, such as respect for human dignity, justice, and honesty.
Medical ethics encompass a wide range of topics, such as:
- Doctors' moral duties to their patients: This includes the obligation to provide the best possible health care, to respect the wishes of patients, and to maintain the confidentiality of their medical information.
- Physician-colleague relationships: These include a commitment to honesty and integrity, and not harming the reputation of others.
- Physician-community relations: This includes a commitment to health care for all, regardless of race, sex, religion or social status.
Medical ethics are important to ensure that patients have access to the health care they need fairly and impartially, and helps protect doctors and health workers from accusations of wrongdoing or legal responsibility.
You Will Learn
- What is medical ethics?
- Historical review of origin of medical ethics.
- Theories & principles
- Examples
- Scope of ethics in Medical Practice.
- Confidentiality
- Access to Records
- Morality & Ethics
- Professional ethics
- Medical ethics
- Bioethics
- Clinical ethics.
- Ethics Committees
Targeted Students
1- Physicians
2- Nurses
3- Technicians
4- Researchers
5- Pharmacists
Training Program Name As In Certificate
Medical ethics Course
Updated at: 2025-02-23 08:28:11