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Clinical medicine cases Course

Before exams of sclorship and usmels nessary to know Simple and complicated cases Good thinking about cases Good history and examination Good management

Created at: 2024-07-16
Updated at: 2024-09-16

USD 106
USD 53

50% Off

Scientific Research Methodology Course

Introduction &Objectives Phases of Research Problem of Research Research Hypothesis Research Question Research Objectives Sampling methods Types of Research &  Study design Data Collection & Analysis  Scientific Research Ethics

Created at: 2024-03-19
Updated at: 2024-09-16

USD 106
USD 53

50% Off

Dermal Fillers and Botulinum Toxin

Dermal fillers & Botulinum toxin are new trends in dermatology & anti-aging procedures. In this course, Dr. Afaf will discuss all important details about both of them adding to a practical session that will help learners to understand all the discussed pieces of information.

Created at: 2024-02-21
Updated at: 2024-09-16

USD 106

Basics of Medical Translation Course

The course aims to learn written medical translation simply, flexibly and in an interesting manner, without resorting to memorizing words or references, using the latest global translation guidance in medical translation, and language auditing of the text. The practical application part includes training on many types of medical files making the trainee professionalize medical translation by the end of the course.

Created at: 2023-11-26
Updated at: 2024-09-16

USD 106
USD 53

50% Off

HACCP (Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points)

It is a system of control and control over food production with the aim of producing safe and healthy food and This is done by eliminating health risks to food safety and the consumer or exclude or reduce these risks to acceptable limits

Created at: 2023-07-03
Updated at: 2024-09-16

USD 106

ECG in Emergency . A stepwise Approach.

A teaching course on reading the ECG

Created at: 2023-06-22
Updated at: 2024-09-16

USD 106

Forensic Toxicology Course

Study the use of chemical analysis to determine the cause and circumstances of death.

Created at: 2023-05-23
Updated at: 2024-09-16

USD 106

Infectious Diseases

Lectures of all infectious diseases from helminths bacteria viruses

Created at: 2023-05-15
Updated at: 2024-09-15

USD 106