Dr. Amr Sukkar
Associate Professor and Management Consultant

Dr. Amr Sukkar is a Business Economist expert for European Union. He is a founder and CEO of a leader Medical Company. Management and Marketing Associate Professor. Dr. Amr has taught management and Leadership content for the past 15 years. He’s engaged learners in both formal education at international universities and informal education for professionals through training, seminars, workshops, conferences, and other types of engagements. He brought the Management messages to several countries, including Egypt, the United States, Tunisia, KSA, UAE, Turkey, and several African Union countries to name a few. He supervised numerous Ph.D. dissertations, Masters's thesis, and graduation projects. Amr has also advised many companies, ranging from start-ups to international, on their management performance, especially through stakeholder panels, Subject matter expert committees, and advisory boards. Author for several articles and research papers focused on SMEs, leadership, governances, and sustainable development at international scientific journals. Presenter and developer of the youtube program aims to simplify the science of management