CBCT& Dental Implant From A To Z

التصوير المقطعي بالكمبيوتر مخروطي الشعاع و زراعة الأسنان من الألف إلى الياء

USD 47


02:39:9 hours


Access Time






Skill Level
( Specialized - Advanced )

USD 47

About the instructor

Dr. Ahmed Abd Alsamad
Associate Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology

Ahmed Mohamed Abd Alsamad is an Associate Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology – Faculty of Dentistry - Cairo University – Egypt as well as head of the CBCT unit in one of the most famous radiology centers in Egypt.
Dr. Ahmed’s 15 years of scientific background as well as his passion for teaching in addition to his
experience with the market needs gives him the privilege of teaching radiology.

You Will Learn

  • Select the suitable radiographic technique in pre-, intra- and post-operative stages of dental implantology
  • Write CBCT request.
  • Interpret CBCT images accurately in simple steps.
  • Draw an accurate panoramic curve on Romexis and On-demand software.
  • Draw accurate nerve tracing on Romexis and On-demand software.
  • Place virtual implant on Romexis and On-demand software.


Updated at: 2025-01-19 21:11:49
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47 USD