Removable Prosthodontics

التركيبات المتحركة أو (الاستعاضة الصناعية)

USD 47


03:28:45 hours


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USD 47

About the instructor

Dr. Mai Samy
Teaching Assistant In Removable Prosthodontics at New Giza University

I am a Cairo University 2009 graduate and holder of Membership Of Faculty Of Dental Surgeons(MFDS) from Royal College Of Surgeons Of Edinburgh-UK...I have experience in academic teaching as I was a clinic Supervisor and Instructor, an MFDS instructor, and was part of many online courses related to Prosthodontics and MJDF... I am preparing for my specialty degree in Prosthodontics from Royal College Of Surgeons Of Edinburgh-UK (Mrd-Mprosth)


You Will Learn

  • How to classify the edentulous spaces
  • Removable partial Denture components and parts
  •  Biomechanics in dentistry
  • Design steps and concepts
  • What’s new in this field
  • Lab procedures
  • How to be systematic when planning a case
  • Problems assessment
Created at: 2021-05-23 13:59:57
Updated at: 2024-07-27 07:11:11
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47 USD