Infection Control Diploma
دبلوم مكافحة العدوى
The Infection Control Diploma is an education program that aims to train health care workers to prevent and control the spread of infection. The program includes the study of basic concepts of microbiology and infectious diseases, as well as methods used to control infections in health facilities.
People with an infection control diploma can work in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities and child care facilities. They can also work in public health, where they can contribute to the development of policies and programs aimed at reducing the spread of infection in communities.
Here are some of the skills students acquire from their infection control diploma:
- Understanding basic concepts of microbiology and infectious diseases Applying techniques and techniques used to fight infections
- Preparing and implementing infection control programs
- Effective communication with patients and health care workers
- Working as a team
The Infection Control Diploma is an important program for health care workers, providing them with skills to prevent and control the spread of infection and thus improve the safety of patients and staff.
You Will Learn
infection surveillance
Hand hygiene, sterilization, and disinfection
Correct use of antibiotics
How to deal with catheters and installation devices for patients and
the ventilator
Occupational health and transmission methods
The importance of using gloves
Infection control in medical laboratories and correct injection
1. Identify the six components of the chain of infection.
2. Identification of risk factors for transmission.
3. Learn the different types of causative agents (pathogen) and how
to develop strategies to overcome the agent.4. Recognize the different types of infection centers and how to
manage them to break the chain of infection
5. Learn about the exit and entry gate in each of the centers, the
sensitive new host and how to use barriers and preventive measures
against the exit and entry gate.
6. Learn the different modes of transportation and how to develop
barriers to overcome these modes of transportation.7. Identification of the potentially infected host and how to develop
strategies to rescue the susceptible host.
8. Learn common public health infection prevention and control
terms, definitions, and rates, for example, colonies, contamination,
infection, incubation period, infective period, disease carrier, and
rates such as death rate, baseline reproductive rate, and next attack
Standard Precautions Components of a hand hygiene program and
monitoring and audit tools:
1. What are the standard precautions?
2. What are the items of standard precautions
3. Hand hygiene: components of a hand hygiene program
4. Hand hygiene resources
5. Learn 7 steps to practice hand hygiene: Explanation and video
demonstration6. Determine the necessary posters be communicated to
employees, customers, and visitors regarding hand hygiene.
7. Component of the WHO Hand Hygiene Monitoring Model
8. How to develop and implement a hand hygiene audit program
with the goal of achieving a 100% compliance rate.
9. Sharing the results of previously published studies on the rate of
hand hygiene compliance among healthcare professionals.
Standard Precautions (Part Two): Proper use of PPE, types, on and
off process, and when to use it in different scenarios
Standard Precautions (Part Two): Proper use of PPE, types, on and
off process, and when to use it in different scenarios
1. Identify the different types of safe disposable syringes
recommended by the World Health Organization
2. Learn the safe injection practice recommended by the World
Health Organization
3. Learn about the Sharp component.
4. Learn how to prevent acute injuries
5. Learn how to treat acute injuries
6. Learn how to analyze the root causes of acute injuries and learn
how to prevent their recurrence.
Standard Precautions (Part IV): Cleaning of Medical Equipment
and Environmental Health
1. Learn the difference between cleaning and disinfection and the
principles of both2. Learn about the precautions healthcare workers should take
while cleaning medical equipment
3. Learn how to find Information for Use (IFU) for medical
equipment intended for cleaning
4. Determine the different environmental areas to be cleaned in a
health facility
5. Identify surfaces most likely to become contaminated with
Specific areas and resource cleaning/disinfection, accountability,
redundancy, and audit
7. Identify different types of leaks in a healthcare facility
8. Determine the resources needed to manage leaks
9. Learn how to manage different types of leaks and who is
responsible by service area
10. Know the requirements of the waste treatment roomStandard Precautions (Parts Five and Six): Managing Bedding,
Covering, and Infectious Respiratory Disease Prevention Program:
Learn the principles of managing covers and upholstery from the
point of collection, handling, transportation, storage, and use.
2. Know the common area of non-compliance to properly manage
upholstery and linen.
3. Learn how to develop a program to prevent infectious respiratory
diseases.4. Know the difference between a droplet infection and an airborne
5. Identification of high-risk healthcare professional groups for
infectious respiratory infection
6. Learn the difference between medical masks and respirators and
their pros and cons to avoiding a respiratory infection
7. Get to know the right person to use respirators by applying the
OSHA Ventilator Medical Assessment Questionnaire
8. Learn cough etiquette
9. Principles of social distance
Targeted Students
Hospital workers, doctors, nurses, and all health sector workers
Students and graduates wishing to obtain job opportunities in hospitals
Inspection and follow-up employees in the Ministry of Health
Graduates of medical colleges and institutes
Training Program Name as in Certificate
Infection Control Diploma
Updated at: 2025-04-01 01:06:40

Dr. Huda Faramawy
PhD in Hematology and Immunology
Dr. Abdullah Ibrahim
Healthcare Accreditation Consultant