Clinical Nutrition Diploma

دبلومة التغذية العلاجية - مستوى اساسي

USD 261
USD 209


13:16:29 hours




Access Time






Skill Level
( Specialized - Advanced )

USD 261
USD 209

About the instructor

Dr. Asmaa El-Gendy
Therapeutic Nutritionist

Academic Qualifications:

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Food Science and Therapeutic Nutrition
  • Master of Science in Food Science from Helwan University
  • Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
  • Diploma in Therapeutic Nutrition for Liver Diseases
  • Diploma in Therapeutic Nutrition for Renal Patients
  • Diploma in Family Medicine
  • Bachelor of Science in Food Science from Al-Azhar University


The Clinical Nutrition Diploma is a training program designed to prepare qualified therapeutic dietitians to practice their profession in a healthy environment. The program provides students with knowledge and skills to assess the nutritional status of individuals and communities, design and implement therapeutic nutrition programs, conduct research in therapeutic nutrition, and participate in community-based health nutrition events. The Therapeutic Nutrition Diploma program includes a series of areas covering the basics of nutrition, biochemistry, diets, obesity and thinness, diet planning, nutrition for chronic disease patients and more

You Will Learn

From the Diploma in Clinical Nutrition, you will learn a lot of useful
information, the most important of which are:
- The basics of therapeutic nutrition.
- Types of diet recipes.
- All about obesity and thinness.
- Also, all foods contain fats and carbohydrates.
- How to plan and how organize food.
- How do you calculate daily energy?
- Knowing the food of diabetics, whether adults or children.

Targeted Students

• Clinical Nutrition Specialist.
• Nutritionists in hospital nutrition departments.
• School Nutritionists.
• Professionals in food companies and factories.
• Doctors running nutrition clinics.
• Nutritionists in sports clubs.

Training Program Name as in Certificate

Clinical Nutrition Diploma

Created at: 2019-02-27 23:48:23
Updated at: 2024-10-24 04:20:59
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209 USD