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Nutrition during Lactation Course

The Child Nutrition Needs course is a comprehensive learning experience that focuses on the importance of providing proper nutrition for children. The course aims to empower participants to understand the nutritional requirements for children at various stages of development and their impact on their health and growth. The content includes a study of essential nutrients, how to prepare and deliver healthy and balanced meals. Additionally, the course addresses challenges that children may face...

Created at: 2023-12-31
Updated at: 2024-05-07

USD 106

Rehabilitation to work as a food inspector in Egyptian ports Course

the steps for qualification to work in ports as a food inspector for the control of food imports and exports in Egyptian ports and everything that comes into contact with foodentification of the documents required for the acceptance of imported shipments.Identification of the analyzes required for shipments.Identification of some important laboratories for analysis, such as the National Authority for Food Safety.

Created at: 2023-12-31
Updated at: 2024-05-06

USD 106

Introduction to food safety Course

سلامة الغذاءتعني حماية الغذاء من التلوث بأي من صوره المختلفةالكيميائية(المبيدات الكيميائية) والحيوية (البكتيريا والاعفان الخمائر والفيروسات والطفيليات)الفيزيائية والاشعاعيةوذلك خلال جميع مراحل الانتاج والتصنيع والاعداد والنقل والتخزين والنقل والتداول وصولا الي مرحلة التقديم علي طاولة الطعام للمستهلكيترتب علي ذلك حماية المستهلك من الاصابة بالامراض المنقولة بواسطة الغذاء او الاصابة بالتسمم الغذائي مما يترتب عليه تقليل فاتورة الانفاق علي الصحة بشكل عام

Created at: 2023-12-31
Updated at: 2024-05-06

USD 106

Change The Unhealthy Nutritional Habits Course

Habits are the choices that we deliberately make at some point, and then stop thinking about but continue doing, often every day. This course will address the unhealthy nutritional habits we are doing regularly, their impact on our health, and the keys to changing them to live a long healthy life.

Created at: 2023-12-31
Updated at: 2024-05-06

USD 106

The Brain and Nutrition Course

The link between the brain and the GIT

Created at: 2023-12-31
Updated at: 2024-05-07

USD 106

Understanding Obesity Course

This course sheds light on important facts regarding obesity in different age groups focusing on how obesity affects different body systems and ways of management according to body mass index(BMI).

Created at: 2023-12-31
Updated at: 2024-05-06

USD 106

Over Weight and Under Weight Course

Course about obesity and underweight cases and how to achieve a healthy body

Created at: 2023-12-31
Updated at: 2024-05-07

USD 106

Comparison Between Popular Diet Plan Course

A detailed explanation of the construction and the components of any diet plan And a complete explanation of popular diet plans (dukan/ keto / intermittent fasting / if it fits your macros/ paleo diet).

Created at: 2023-12-31
Updated at: 2024-05-06

USD 106