
If you are on your way to becoming a new manager or want to learn the basics of how to become a better manager, this course will focus on the basic requirements needed to implement management for the first time and if you are a newly qualified manager, you will need to acquire the knowledge and skills to lead a new team effectively, always ready and committed where it gives the manager a greater sense of accomplishment and achievement of goals
Created at: 2021-05-19Updated at: 2025-04-01
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● Alumni are burdened with a range of basic terms such as chemical formulas for nutrition and their understanding of metabolism. ● Educate students and graduates on the meaning, definition and importance of fats and how to develop and classify diets to treat them and plan meals. ● Clarifying the role of a dietitian. ● Methods to prevent diabetes risk and ways to reduce symptoms and maintain a normal level. ● How to prevent, treat and maintain your blood pressur...
Created at: 2021-02-28Updated at: 2025-03-31