الاعتماد أصبح سهلاً

الاعتماد أصبح سهلاً

USD 106


مدة البرنامج
02:59:23 ساعة


امكانية وصول
مدى الحياة


لغة البرنامج
اللغة العربية


المادة العلمية


مستوى البرنامج
( متخصص )

USD 106

معلومات المُحاضر

د. أحمد صفوت
International Expert of Healthcare Quality & Clinical Governance


  • Board member of the Egyptian General Authority For Healthcare Accreditation & Regulation (GAHAR).

(GAHAR) is the highest Independent National body which is responsible for developing the national healthcare standards and ensuring compliance of all healthcare facilities with them. (GAHAR)

  • Deputy Chairman of the Supreme National Committee for Healthcare Standards' development and update. This Committee is the technical arm of GAHAR to develop the Egyptian healthcare standards for all healthcare services at all levels of care.
  • Member of the Egyptian National Committee for the national Clinical Governance Program.
  • Adjunct Professor at the School Of Business - the American University in Cairo (AUC)
  • Advisor of the National Saudi clinical excellence program
  • International Healthcare quality and Clinical governance advisor

ماذا ستتعلم من البرنامج

  • What is accreditation?
  • What is the difference between accreditation and licensure ?
  • Why accreditation?
  • What are the Types / categories of accreditation in healthcare?
  • How to choose the right accreditation?
  • How to read the accreditation Manual?
  • What are Survey activities?
  • Scoring and Accreditation decision rules?
  • How to implement accreditation and how can we sustain it?

المرشحون المثاليون

  1. Quality professionals
  2. Safety Officers
  3. Risk Managers
  4. Accreditation Professionals
  5. Healthcare Leaders (physicians , Nurses , Pharmacists , …. and admins)
تاريخ النشر: 2022-10-09 11:03:36
تاريخ اخر تحديث: 2024-12-22 03:52:01
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بمجرد اشتراكك يتاح لك الدخول على الدورات مدى الحياة
القدرة على تقييم نفسك من خلال اختبار بعد كل مستوى و دورة
سهولة التواصل مع المحاضر اى وقت مباشرة من خلال الاكونت الخاص بك
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اقل تكلفة و اعلى جودة فى المادة العلمية باشراف من فريق المنصة العلمى
اكتر من جهة اعتماد نقوم من خلالها باعتماد دوراتنا من مؤسسات محلية و دولية
106 USD