We're analyzing the training needs for companies by our expertise to provide the best training solutions
Identifying Training Needs
We provide a full report which explain the needed training for organization to reach its goals
Defining Training Path
We provide a training plan and analyzing reports for the training paths, by an easy dashboard for L&Ds
Advantages of the business system
Easy Manageable Dashboard
The operating model allows for L&Ds to add their teams, and adding the specialized courses for each team. Additionally, following their training process.
Easy Access for Leaders & Employees
Easy subscribe on the platform and access the dashboard for each member according his/her role
Insights' Reports
Allowing insights' reports and full analyzing about trainees process, their success, and getting certificates. In addition, getting customized reports.
Reduce Training Budget
The subscription plans makes it easy to reduce and manage training costs for organizations effectively.
Easy Customized and Developed
Possibility of developing the platform by the organization identity, without needing web developer